Broken Magic: The Sanctuary Chronicles Read online

Page 11

  Their voices echoed clearly inside the kitchen. The witch didn’t stand too close to the attackers and kept her back to the house as they formed a half-circle around her. How could she face so many of them? Was it another trick? One where she would finally turn against him and the sanctuary?

  “You called for me, and I’m here. What do you want, messenger?”

  The leader came closer, but she lifted her hand, making gesturing for him to stay where he was. “I wouldn’t come any closer if I were you. Not if you value your life. Now, be a good boy and tell me why you’re chasing me.”

  “We’re not at liberty to divulge the name of our employer. He only requested one thing, to bring your dead body to him.”

  The witch angled her head. “Come on, can’t you at least tell me who wants me dead? I’m curious.”

  The circle tightened around her, but seemed unfazed. Asher growled low.

  “I’m sorry. I’m sure you can understand our politics.”

  The witch laughed. “Do you at least know who I am?”

  The leader shook his head. “Not really. I’ve never seen you before and besides, who you are doesn’t matter. Now, can we kill you or not?”

  The witch braced before answering. “I think not, messenger.”

  A green light pulsated from her and exploded toward the wizards, lifting them off the ground, making them prisoner of an invisible force. Inside the house, nobody moved. Asher was astonished by her power. He had seen many witches and wizards in his life, but few could have taken that many opponents with such ease.

  “Now, messenger. Do you feel more inclined to talk?”

  “Damn you.”

  “Wrong answer.” Two wizards on his right screamed as they dissolved in a brownish substance. “You still have six chances. Try again. Who has put a price on my head?”

  The messenger stayed silent, struggling against his invisible bonds. The witch turned one more of his companions into goo, and. as she made a gesture to destroy another, the messenger yelled. “Stop! Stop! I’ll tell you, just stop.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “It’s Lancaster. Lionel Lancaster. He’s the one paying for this, paying to see you dead.”

  The air stilled for a moment as if the witch froze in time. A long moment passed. “And you don’t know who I am.”

  “I swear! He didn’t tell us a thing. He only said you were hiding here.”

  “Who told him I was here?”

  “I don’t know, I swear!!”

  “Tell Lionel Lancaster that I’ll find the weasel and make him pay. And that if he sends any more of you after me, I’ll make sure he suffers for everything he’s done. Be very clear and explicit, messenger.”

  Then, the witch made a graceful gesture with her arms, and the four remaining attackers disappeared high into the sky as if thrown by catapults. If talented enough, they would find a way to survive this flight and undoubtedly report their encounter.

  The witch kept her back to the house for a moment. Asher waited, sensing no other intruder within sanctuary limits. He didn’t know what to expect from this full-powered witch, but it wasn’t what happened next. He saw her sway lightly and fall on her knees, hacking her heart out.

  As she kneeled on the grass and, knowing that the threat was gone for now, Asher gathered his focus and turned himself back into human form. The transformation finished healing the remaining wounds. Asher’s gaze never left the witch, and he instinctively waited for her, understanding that she wouldn’t appreciate any help at that moment. Then, as he expected, she stood, wiped her mouth and returned to the house. Asher sat as she moved up beside him. Surrounded by the entire population of Sanctuary, she simply acted as if nothing happened.

  “I need to finish healing you.”

  Ian took a step back and someone in the group chuckled.

  “I’m sorry for what I did to you, Ian. I needed an energy boost quickly. Thank you for what you gave me, by the way.”

  She turned her attention to Asher again. She didn’t gaze at his face and kept examining his fading wounds. Asher took her hands and waited until she turned to him again.

  “What happened? Tell me.”

  The witch hesitated. “You shouldn’t have kidnapped me. By doing so, you’ve put everyone here at risk. Someone put a bounty on my head.”

  “Lionel Lancaster, the powerful wizard, head of the Enforcers and the one who ordered the killing of my family. But why?”

  The witch hesitated before answering, and he suspected she was keeping back pertinent information. “I don’t know why, yet. It doesn’t make any sense. It can’t be.”

  She seemed genuinely in shock.

  “Maybe you’ve done something? Maybe not killing me in the forest caused him to retaliate when he found out you were alive.”

  The witch shook her head. “Oh, I’ve done something awful by him alright, but I never thought…”

  “What did you do?”

  “I killed his wife. And my mother.”

  Taken aback, Asher released her hands. And then, when she spoke again, he wasn’t sure if he believed what he was hearing.

  “I’m Valeria Lancaster, the Chief Enforcer’s daughter.”


  Valeria couldn’t breathe, or move. It took all her self-control to push back panic as she was surrounded by a trembling pack of beasts, breathing angrily down her neck, and a very pissed and naked werebear on top of her. The entire room reverberated with growls and panting breaths. She knew she would only have to move the slightest bit to trigger a violent reply. Therefore, she stayed perfectly still. This whole situation had the advantage of making her focus on anything but her returning and apparently untouched powers. However, as survival was first on her list of priorities, and her questions would have to wait.

  Asher came closer, Ian by his side. They were the only two that were not projecting killing vibes in her direction. Asher frowned.

  “Patricia, stand down.”

  The werebear bared her elongating teeth at her. “She’s a Lancaster, Asher! You know how much destruction and death the Lancasters have bestowed upon us!”

  At first, she thought Asher would give her free rein at killing the witch, but he surprised her instead. He put his hand on the woman’s shoulder and spoke in an appeasing but loud voice.

  “I know Patricia. I know firsthand what the Lancasters can do. And in front of Lionel Lancaster, I would know exactly how to express my gratitude. But it’s not Lionel you’re sitting on right now.”

  Patricia turned her head to him and snarled. “It’s his spawn! Why are you trying to protect her? I smell your scent all over her. You’ve taken her, and you know it’s forbidden.”

  The snarling growl that came out of Asher made the werebear flinch. “Don’t you dare doubt my judgment. My brain will never be overtaken by mating. Never. I’m telling you what I see. From the moment I took her into this sanctuary, she has never done anything against any of us. On the contrary. She helped Maya, healed me, and defended us. Those are facts. Even lying there now, she could defend herself, but she’s not.”

  Patricia growled back at her. “It’s a trick. With witches, it’s all about tricks. She may have been sent by Lancaster to destroy us from the inside.”

  Valeria sensed the aggressiveness level increasing around her, and she coughed. The idea was taking form in her mind, and she hoped to share it before losing consciousness.

  “Blood.” It was the only word that she could form. All eyes turned to her.

  “The witch wants to talk, does she?” Patricia removed her knee from her sternum and Valeria could finally draw a lifesaving breath.

  Asher took another step in her direction. “Your next words may be your last, witch. Choose them wisely.”

  Valeria blinked and realized that he was giving her one chance, maybe the only one to explain herself. To prove she was not a liar or a threat to those who had sought refuge and protection from him.

  She nodded, and Patri
cia crouched away from her but remained close, as Valeria sat on the floor.

  “Can I remove my jacket?” It took a moment, but Asher nodded. She shrugged her leather jacket off, knowing she only wore a bra underneath.

  She sighed at the kitchen filled with werewolves and shifters in different forms and nodded. “None of you here will believe me, whatever I say. I only have three solutions. You let me go. You kill me. Or you make me pass your blood trial.”

  Valeria’s eyes were only on Asher, and he put a knee before her. “You know I can’t let you go. As for killing you, it’s an obvious solution. Half of the refugees here have been hurt by Lionel Lancaster, and they would be glad to retaliate by killing his only daughter. The only solution left is blood trial. I can do that.”

  But she shook her head. “No, not you.” Looking around, she saw many faces, sensed many animals; wolves, bears, mountain cats, panthers … people who doubted her and she couldn’t blame them. Until now, she would have given her life to satisfy their thirst for vengeance. Now, the game had changed. She needed to stay alive, to discover why her own father had put a bounty on her head and sent head-hunters after her. Why he had hurt so many people and families. Something was very wrong, she could sense it.

  “If you want, I can do a trial by blood with each of you. Ask your question and bite me. I won’t be able to hide anything from you. And if you still want to kill me afterward, I won’t even defend myself.”

  The room rumbled with questions. Some of them glanced at each other, others shook their heads. On the far side of the room, she saw Genevieve approaching, holding Maya in her arms, observing the scene with huge eyes. It seems that the two faes were not pleased by what they were hearing. Asher remained silent, his eyes on her. Valeria couldn’t decipher the true meaning behind them.

  Then he turned as Patricia came to his side and started whispering in his ear. Seeing them both naked, together, made her restless. For an instant, she considered clothing them, but chose not. Werewolves and shifters didn’t have the same ideas about nudity as she had. Clothed or not, there wasn’t anything sexual about it. And she knew that any use of unsolicited magic at this point would backfire on her. And why would she ever believe that she had any rights to him? That sudden possessiveness was unwelcome, and too strange for her to delve into.

  Instead, Valeria focused on Asher. She never had a chance to see him. Really look at him. He towered over every standing man and woman in this room. And as most of them had dark hair, his golden aura drew the eye. Even his skin had that tanned coloring. And she knew how warm he was. She remembered the feeling of his hands on her and the taste of his lips. And heaven, the man could kiss. Lost in memories, she jumped when someone touched her shoulder. She turned to see Ian crouching beside her.

  “Careful. You’re surrounded by shifters and our noses are … sensitive. I’m starting to smell arousal on you, and with the tension in this room, it wouldn’t be wise to add sex into the mix.”

  Valeria blushed violently and closed her eyes, creating an invisible barrier around her. When she opened her eyes again, she raised a brow. “And now?”

  Ian inhaled sharply and grinned. “You’re good.” And without another word, he went back to stand beside Asher. The golden werewolf, very naked, entranced by her, nodded. Goodness… Ian was only the messenger; it was Asher who had detected her scent. She doubted her cheeks could heat more.

  “A decision has been made.” Asher’s voice cut over the discussions. “Of all refugees in Sanctuary, five of us have had direct dealings with the Lancasters. Four of you have lost loved ones or suffered due to the Lancasters. All four will have the option of performing a trial by blood.”

  Patricia came forward, followed by Ian. Then, two others in wolf form, one dark gray, one creamy white. Unsurprisingly, Patricia was the first to advance. Valeria got to her feet. The woman was the same height, but more slender, with shoulder-length slicked brown hair, and had a definite native American ancestry. Restrained violence emanated from every pore. When the werebear spoke, her voice was matter-of-fact and devoid of emotion, but it didn’t fool Valeria. She wasn’t a happy camper.

  “Witch, do you accept the trial by blood freely, agree to answer my question and let the answer flow through your veins?”

  “I do.”

  Patricia came close and took her wrist. “Witch, did the Lancaster kill my son?”

  The question knocked the wind out of her, but she forced herself to respond. “Who was your son?”

  “His name was William. He was caught in a battle between our clan and another when the Enforcers came in. It was said that he was taken and killed by the Lancasters. It was done five years ago.”

  Valeria thought back and remembered a night when her mother brought back a young boy, a cub, into the house. Her father was gone on a mission. Otherwise, he would have forbidden her to bring anything or anyone inside their home. But her mother had a kind heart and a stubborn soul, and tried to help whenever she could, despite politics or her husband’s opinion.

  “He was a brown-haired boy of about 12 years old, wasn’t he?”

  The only sign of acknowledgment from the werebear was the tightening of her hold on her. She continued. “I don’t know who wounded the boy. But it was my mother who brought him into our home. She hid him in her room and tried to heal him. She was an outstanding healer. But the boy had lost too much blood and sustained too many internal injuries. He died during the night despite her efforts. I know that the morning after, before my father came back, she went out, I don’t know where, taking the little boy’s body with her. My mother was kind, I know she had taken care of your son, even in death.”

  Now, Patricia trembled slightly. “His body was found in the woods that morning.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  Patricia’s eyes turned to stone when she bit Valeria viciously on the wrist. Asher had said it would be just a taste, but it felt as if she tried to cut her hand from her body. Valeria clenched her teeth and remained still, fighting the pain.

  When the woman released her, she took two steps back, wide-eyed. “She’s telling the truth.” Wiping the blood from her mouth, the werebear bit back a sob, and disappeared inside the house.

  Valeria held her bleeding wrist against her chest, waiting for the other questions. The two in wolf form came and sat in front of her and stared at her for an instant. Blood continued dripping on the floor. Then, without a word, they got to their feet and came closer. She extended her arm, but instead, they sniffed the wound and started to lick the blood pooling on the floor. After a moment, they shook themselves and walked off.

  Questions in her eyes, Valeria peered up at Asher, who nodded slightly. If they were satisfied with what they tasted, she wouldn’t contradict them.

  Then, Ian came forward, tall, dark and inscrutable. As he was still naked, she didn’t move her gaze from his eyes; a swirling sunset of golden hues. He was a handsome man, the dark to Asher’s light, and as dangerous. He was maybe even more so as insanity seemed to lay close to the surface, just awaiting the right moment to unleash his demons. No insanity, but tremendous grief.

  “Witch, do you accept the trial by blood freely, agree to answer my question and let the answer flow through your veins?”

  “I do.”

  One step closer and she could feel the heat of his body warming her skin.

  “My wife and daughter were coming to join me, here. But their car was attacked. Magic pushed them off the road. As my wife tried to protect our daughter, she was surrounded by wizards, probably Enforcers, who mortally wounded them. Before she died, my beloved whispered two names, Lancaster, being one of them. The other name she said was Cooper.”

  Valeria couldn’t breathe… How could James have been involved in that? Wouldn’t she have known? They spent so much time together, but did she really know the man she was about to marry back then?

  “After their death, I researched and found that Cooper was James Cooper, who had been betrothed to Va
leria Lancaster. You are Valeria Lancaster. Did you know anything about that night? Were you there? Did you let my wife and daughter die at their hands?”

  Valeria licked her lips. “I don’t know anything about any assassination. When I worked as an Enforcer, we only did missions sanctioned by the High Council. I wasn’t a murderer. Yes, James Cooper was my fiancé, until his death two years ago, during that hunt against the Stonelake Pack.”

  Ian’s expression shifted a little, and he frowned. “My wife and daughter were killed one year ago next month.”

  Valeria felt dizzy. “That’s impossible. James died two years ago. That’s the truth.”

  “We’ll see.”

  Ian came closer, and Valeria extended her bleeding wrist. He ignored it, and fisted one hand in her hair, the other circling her waist, bringing her body flat against him. She was plastered against heated skin, muscles and sheer contained power. Her hormones flared, and her heart stuttered as his lips touched her neck. Did she feel him licking? His teeth pierced her skin just above her collar bone. It stung but wasn’t as painful as Patricia’s vicious bite. When he released her, she swayed a little in his arms before looking up at him. The dark wolf seemed to have had confirmation of something when he tasted her. He wasn’t in shock as Patricia had been. He nodded instead.

  “It seemed that you’re the one who has been lied to. I’m sorry for you. But I swear to you that James Cooper is alive. And it seems that the only Lancaster behind this is your father. I’m sorry, Valeria.”

  The world crumbled around her. There was no more uncertainty. She had no more allies. What had the last two years been for? Hiding from whom? Protecting whom?

  She was so caught up in her thoughts that she jumped in surprise when Asher stood in front of her and touched her bleeding wrist.

  “We can wait for my turn if you want. I think you have convinced most of the members of Sanctuary.”