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Broken Magic: The Sanctuary Chronicles Page 15

  “I knew you were alive and well. I was certain of it.”

  At the words of her friend, Valeria eased back.

  “What do you mean alive?”

  “Well, there were rumors…” She stopped talking when she saw Asher standing silently a few feet away. Sera didn’t tense, but Valeria sensed her friend’s magic surging. “You brought an unusual friend. A werewolf.”

  “Yes, Sera, this is Asher. He’s here to help.”

  “Val. You know the Elders ordered that witches steer clear of other species.”

  She heard a low growl from Asher and ignored it. “I’m not sure the orders of the Elders apply to me, Sera. I’m not sure I’m a witch anymore.”

  Sera blinked, opened her mouth like a guppy and closed it again. “Okay, I think I’m missing some information. And I guess that you coming back from the dead with a wolf is no coincidence to what you’re saying.”

  Valeria sighed, her shoulders sagging a little. Almost imperceptibly, Asher shifted and moved close. Even without touching her, his heat and energy steadied her. Sera listened intently as Valeria told her every detail of what happened, from the moment she met the werewolf, her destructive bouts of energies killing her mother or so she thought, her fleeing, and her hiding as a vagrant until Asher found her. She skipped the prison part, not that she wanted to hide anything from her friend, but she suspected Sera wouldn’t take it kindly that her friend had been held prisoner. She tried to be as descriptive as possible about her feelings, and the reaction of her magic, from her encounter with Genevieve and Maya, to the attack on Sanctuary and her healing session on Asher.

  For a long moment, Sera felt silent, her brain clearly in overdrive.

  “And you say that from the last time until the moment you healed the werewolf, you didn’t sense any particular shift.”

  “Apart from when I had been attacked and my magic acted on its own to protect me, no.”

  Sera stared at Asher for a long moment, her eyes squinting behind her glasses. “If you’re trying to intimidate me, witch, it’s not working.”

  The blonde witch shook her head, undisturbed. Then, her pale blue eyes slid to Valeria, and she knew exactly what her friend was projecting.

  “Well, my dear Val. It’s certainly quite a cluster fuck you’ve got yourself into. And probably for nothing.”

  “What do you mean for nothing?”

  “First, about your mother. She’s not dead. That’s the official information coming from the Elders. She’s still at Lancaster Estates, suffering from some sort of coma, but as your father had forbidden the healers from approaching, it’s difficult to know the truth about her condition.”

  Even though she already knew her mother hadn’t transitioned to the Summerland, it was still a blow. Unable to speak, Valeria was grateful for Asher’s towering presence.

  “What about what happened to James Cooper, Valeria’s fiancé? And the investigation into Lionel Lancaster as Head of the Enforcers?”

  Sera nodded at Asher. “Well, the death of James Cooper had never been in question. He’s alive and well, and very close to your father, although he hasn’t been sanctioned by the High Council. I don’t know why your father told you that lie, Valeria. There’s also an investigation concerning your father, but it’s very hush-hush. The main, and most probable, rumor is that he tried to overthrow the Territory Council of Maine. And even worse, if he had succeeded, he was aiming for the one in New York.”

  Valeria blinked. She wasn’t versed in politics as her father was, but each defined territory or state had a territorial council formed of the most influential members of the Otherworld community. Mostly, witches and wizards, shifters and vampires, although faes and other creatures could also be a part. Being elected was a blend of connection and influence, as much as personal power. To make sure the power within the territorial councils was as stable as possible, the High Council forbid any of them to merge or make alliances with other territories, let alone allow members to claim power over two different territory councils.

  “The High Council would have acted immediately. They oversee territorial council members just like the Beast Masters oversee individual werewolf or shifter packs. And from what I understand it’s the same with the Elders of witch covens and Kings of vampires. Otherwise, it would lead to open wars.”

  Sera nodded. “And that’s one of the reasons any fraternization with other species is forbidden. Mixed couples would threaten the equilibrium, and children of mixed breeds are known to die young, overwhelmed by the different powers of both parents. As you know.”

  Valeria clenched her teeth. Those rules had been established a long time ago. And as for all rules, at some point, someone was deemed to break them. And she thought about young Maya, and how she was an undetected altered blood in this world.

  “But not my father. Lionel Lancaster lives for order and rules, and despises anyone from the other communities, apart for political and diplomatic necessities.”

  Again, Sera peered deeper into Valeria’s eyes, and she clenched her fists. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by Asher, who growled in disapproval.

  “Okay, enough. If you want to talk, say it with words. Enough of telepathic talking.”

  “We don’t communicate telepathically, it’s not our thing, although I suspect that our dear Violet may have abilities, Sera replied.


  “Our friend, one of the mighty trio of freaks that met secretly in this shop under the cloak and protection of Layla. Didn’t Val tell you why she brought you here in the first place, wolf?”

  Valeria felt Asher’s electric blue eyes bore a hole in the side of her head. “I think that I’ve waited enough, and you know that I’m far from a patient man. So why are we here? Speak.”

  “I came here because it’s the only place I know that I can trust…”

  “Sanctuary is secure enough…”

  Valeria didn’t allow him to finish. “… and without any risk for innocent victims if I decide to test my magic again.”

  “There is no need to check it. You have healed me, you have transformed into me, a wolf and an eagle without a glitch.”

  Sera’s eyes widen, and she grabbed her friend’s elbow. “You let him see that!”

  Asher’s expression turned questioning. “Why is that a bad thing? Personally, I find it kind of cool. If other species could experience shifts…”

  Valeria swallowed hard. There were so many unanswered questions threatening her life, including Asher and his Sanctuary, that she had to choose her confidants wisely. Sera already knew her secret, and a deep part of her knew she could trust Asher.

  When she turned to him, it was as if the werewolf was prepared for battle, arms crossed and widened stance, as if ready to shift and attack.

  “I suspect that, after many years, my powers are finally going berserk. The power surges in the forest, and later at home when I killed … injured my mother, may be the proof of it.”

  “Power surges. That’s unknown in witches. What I know of, at least.”

  “Those type of power surges typically happen way earlier in life. This sort of magic deficiency can affect the yielder in different ways. One of them you have seen with little Maya.”

  It took a moment for the information to register in his brain, but when it did, shock registered on his face. “You’re mixed blood. And Sera said that you were a freak. Is that what she was referring to?”

  Valeria slowly nodded. She was taking a risk in revealing her secret to a man she respected but didn’t know the extent of his acceptance.

  “There are not many freaks in our worlds. As most of us die at an early age, those who survive, like Maya, are usually hidden.”

  Sera came closer and rubbed her friend’s shoulders in support. “That’s what you think? That after so many years, the other side of you is scrambling with your magic?”

  “Do you have another explanation?”

  Sera frowned. “I think it’s a clear explanatio
n. But you know me, perhaps a little too noticeable.”

  Asher came around Valeria, almost pushing Sera away, and put both hands on her shoulders.

  “If you’re what you say you are, mixed blood, or whatever they call you, what are you mixed with?”

  The moment of truth, Valeria took a deep breath and forced her eyes to meet his. This was her moment of truth.

  “No witch can transform into other humans or animals as quickly, so I believe that my mixed blood is that of a shifter.”


  Everything in Asher went still at her words. A mix between species was impossible, no one could survive it. Even what happened with Maya was hard for him to understand. Everything they were taught, ingrained since infancy, even discussed with the older members of the pack made it difficult for him to even wrap his mind around it. His eyes scanned her again. Although he knew every inch of her skin, her smell always in his nose, Valeria appeared somewhat different to him now. She wasn’t supposed to exist. On the other hand, some things suddenly made sense, especially their very first encounter. The moment he had seen her, knowing she was a witch and most probably a threat to his pack, her smell caught him off guard, making him act differently. He had accompanied his father to many Territory Council meetings, and encountered witches and vampires coming and going within the territory or pack limits, and knew the characteristic smell of each of them.

  But her? Valeria? Apart from the evident, it was impossible for him to describe. Curiosity, enticement, desire all mixed up with the impossibility of her. A man could want a woman, a wolf could never be drawn to a witch. Not the way he was attracted to her. But what about a half witch?

  Willing his fingers to open and release her, he schooled his features and took a step back. The flicker of hurt in Valeria’s eyes was undeniable, but Asher was so lost that he couldn’t help it. Or could he?

  Irresistibly drawn to her, he traced his fingers over her cheekbones, losing himself in the softness of her skin, her warmth, but especially in the dark molten gold of her eyes. Without even realizing it, his hand fisted her thick chocolate mane, and he brought her to him, holding her firmly against his chest, banding his arm around her waist. Even if he was not susceptible to magic, this must be how it felt to be enthralled by a witch’s spell. His lips hovered over hers, impatient to take control. His wolf howled at him to stake his claim as there was now the possibility to do so, but Asher knew better than making a damn move that would endanger what he had worked so hard for. It wasn’t the wolf that claimed the witch’s mouth, but the man. Only him. For now.

  Fuck, she tasted as good as she smelled. He had kissed her before, but each lick, each tender bite wasn’t enough. He needed more. More of her, more of her body. He shivered as he remembered when he was deep inside her heated sheath, when she tightened around him in orgasm in the truck. And that’s when the wolf tensed, fighting to take control, unsatisfied of being forced to the sidelines.


  Reining himself in was harder than he expected, when the voice of Sera made its way to his brain. All his well-honed control had vanished, and when he opened his eyes, looking deep into Valeria’s golden eyes, Asher saw that he wasn’t the only one who had forgotten where they were. Valeria was gripping his shoulders tight, heaving. The smell of her arousal was almost enough for him to take her here and now, even with an audience.

  Gently, he released her and turned to Sera. She may have that school teacher look on her face, as if reprimanding them for their behavior, but he wasn’t going to apologize.

  “Sorry to interrupt your forbidden make out session, but we have work to do.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.”

  At the strange female voice, Asher pivoted to place himself between Valeria and the possible threat … or cat? A beautiful white cat, with wisps of white fur elegantly framing its face and unblinking pale green eyes that locked on him. And they were annoyed. Asher blinked, not that he felt threatened, there was no way a shifter could turn into an animal that small. And for that matter, the shifters that were walking this world were much more exotic than a simple white cat.

  “No need to protect my dear Valeria, wolf. She’s in no danger here. However, I wouldn’t say the same thing about you. One of the perks of owning this store is that everything said and done here, I know.”

  Before he could react, the white cat hissed, and a wave of energy came crashing through him. Once the searing heat passed, it was the pain that surprised him the most. It was as if his skin was crawling with fiery ants, and he realized that his wolf was howling in pain too. The spell, the witch-cat, it was attacking them both. Asher pushed against the pain and was about to attack when Valeria jumped between him and his attacker. The witch-cat barely had time to deflect and avoid Valeria.

  “Layla, he’s a friend, back off.”

  “Careful Valeria, you may have disappeared for a while, and things may have changed on your side of the mirror, but remember that the immunity and protection of this shop are tenuous. Witches, wizards and humans only. And let me remind you of the fact that any relationship other than with another witch is strictly forbidden.”

  Valeria seemed to hesitate for a moment, and once again, she surprised him, taking his hand and pulling him toward the door. Sera yelped and ran to block their way out.

  “Val, you can’t go, not when your powers are unstable. What will you do if your condition deteriorates?”

  Layla swished her tail and jumped onto the table, before sitting like a queen, analyzing the situation.

  “Child, I sense something is wrong with you. Is that the reason why you disappeared for more than two years? I let you be, but if I had known you were in trouble… Let me remind you that I don’t harbor mixed-bloods to let them die. I want you to live. “

  Asher didn’t let go of Valeria’s hand as she once more repeated what happened, but this time, he could feel fatigue pulling at her. Damn politics, he couldn’t remain there when she was almost swaying on her feet. Instead, he pulled her closer to him, letting her body lean against his, a hand on her hip to ground her. She didn’t react, but her voice had grown stronger simply by lending her some of his energy.

  Once silence fell again on the four of them, Asher waited. There was a lot he didn’t understand about witches and the way they yielded magic, but he knew, on an instinctual level, that it was much more than Valeria’s magic on the fritz. It was impossible for him to get the bigger picture yet, but he knew enough to see too many loose threads for his own comfort.

  The witch-cat angled her head. “Come closer, child, and sit beside me.”

  Reluctantly, Asher opened his arm but remained close. As she sat on the table, the cat jumped on her lap and swished her tail in annoyance once again at him.

  “Move, wolf! How can I examine her if you remain so close?”

  “If you aren’t powerful enough to do so, witch-cat, maybe we should seek guidance elsewhere!”

  For a moment, he could physically feel the fury and frustration emanating from her lithe body, but also something else. An emotion more tender, softening her an inch.

  “Just step aside a little, your own energy and magic scramble with mine. And the body I can guess under that shirt messes with my mind.”

  Blinking at her admission, Asher heard Sera snort. Valeria rolled her eyes just before she winked at him. Asher decided to take two steps back, but no more. The cold war may have been averted, but he wasn’t used to trusting witches. Apart from Valeria.

  A strange buzz filled his ears, and the smell of ozone became more insistent. Valeria didn’t seem affected by what the witch-cat was doing. The moment stretched for a while until the white feline gracefully leaped off Valeria’s lap and shook herself.

  “So? What did you see?”

  Layla gazed at each of them before answering Valeria. “You’ve always been difficult to assess; your magical wiring is different from a pure witch. For lack of a better word, yours is more fluid. Similar i
n a way with Sera and Violet. That may be the very reason you three have survived past infancy without requiring immediate intervention.”

  “Interesting, but it doesn’t tell us what’s happening with her magic.” Asher felt more restless. He preferred action to discussion, and he feared that this one wouldn’t answer all the questions they had.

  “Wolf, magic can’t be treated like a wound on a physical body. Think of it more like an electrical circuit with a mind of its own. From what I could sense, I didn’t see any conflict inside her magic. I think that Valeria’s magic is broken. Or at least is shifting, maybe even influenced.”

  Valeria shook her head and jumped off the table. “Broken? That can’t be. How can it be broken?”

  Sera came closer. “Can it be a curse? That’s what you mean by broken?”

  Swishing her tail some more, Layla sighed. “I didn’t sense a curse. Nothing’s out of order inside Valeria. But there’s something … broken. Maybe done two years ago. Since then, your magic is trying to rewire as a consequence.”

  Valeria shook her head. Sensing her distress, Asher started to rub her lower back. The contact seemed to appease her agitation a little and ease his own restlessness.

  Sera bit her finger, lost in thought. “So you say that her magic is broken, but she can still do magic.”

  Layla nodded, her green eyes on the blonde witch. “Imagine that a spinal cord is broken, not completely, but enough to sever the nerves. Some of them still touch, sending signals. And if you move a certain way, you either better connect the nerves or pull them apart. It’s the best comparison I can find for Valeria. It’s her witch side that is affected. Maybe something happened to her in the forest that night, maybe that blow to the head was one of the physical aspects that triggered the magical breakage. If there was a curse, it acted once and then dissipated, leaving no possible trace to follow. Afterward, when trying to use her magic, depending on the connectivity, or if you like, a factor that bridges the two broken parts, Valeria could use it again. And with some level or power and accuracy from what she described.”